
2022-02-06 12:49:23 百科大全 投稿:一盘搜百科
摘要英语没有表达相同或接近想法的金句产生的英文,所以只可用稍为多一点的字去传递它的意思。这样翻译吧:If you keep a distance between a person and yourself

英语没有表达相同或接近想法的金句产生的英文,所以只可用稍为多一点的字去传递它的意思。这样翻译吧:If you keep a distance between a person and yourself, you two will like each other even more.


: the beauty made from the distant


long distance will be born beauty: glory will fill the blank of distance. blank bear beauty. 都是直译。 :P

more distance more beauty

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