
2022-04-15 20:26:26 百科大全 投稿:一盘搜百科
摘要用英语翻译文言文是一项非常费力啲事情阿··很多词在汉语种有不同啲意思·而英语种往往一个单词就是一个意思··这段文言文,我理解啲是:Another set of red paint on the kan

Another set of red paint on the kang, big low table for each table sweet dish, water purification three three lamp, sprinkle cake is divided into ten square-cut plate to nine plate on the table for a dish in, for in north song under拊掌。
   HangYan flower shop red felt before, a company may KouTou small low table。 Company gets him to such house among the eunuch pot set before the GaoLiZhi thick oil, BaoXiGong into big table, paint, west into two GaoLiZhi thickness on all in oil。
   Then, fragrant incense, da eunuch point, as YuKun two pigs him outside the door of the temple YouShou, north。
All the preparations for the time has come, the company da three-stringed instrument, pipa eunuch, da da company officials, eight people, leaders eunuch, which in turn into。
   Three, pipa before, then ten points, two layer are up and cross legs。
Then they played the pipa, sound, and news。
   Thereafter company da da manchuria (department) down a manchu wizard clapped knees, FuZhang (,) incense for god to grant department, knife knife into the company to hold to god for him。
   Now after the three-stringed instrument, pipa, sound decisions, FuZhang。 A KouTou ZhuHang sauce, xing (up), sing songs etc。
   God da
Shun zhi (1648) may, does FangJin: “the oracle, full, han people all my servant。 Officials to its various mutually agree to the speech, after marriage。
   Since the han, listen to marriage。”


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