
2022-04-28 08:47:45 百科大全 投稿:一盘搜百科
摘要Freddyn. 弗雷迪(男子名)双语例句terrified:1.Freddy the Pharisee: Rigid, narrow-minded, and legalistic, he has a

Freddyn. 弗雷迪(男子名)双语例句terrified:


1.Freddy the Pharisee: Rigid, narrow-minded, and legalistic, he has a rule foreverything.弗雷迪 法利赛人:顽固,狭隘,墨守陈规,他对一切事物都制定了规则。


2.This week’s episode brought back Freddy Rumsen hoping that Pond’s cold creamwould be his ticket back into the ad business.本周播放的这一集,弗雷迪•拉姆森重新出现在剧情里,他希望自己带来的旁氏冷霜的订单能帮他重回广告业。

3.Donning a gruesome face mask from a horror movie (Freddy Krueger was a favorite), he would vault the counter in a standing jump, landing with a crash on the other side, which terrified staff.戴着恐怖电影中骇人面罩(“恶灵弗雷迪”是他的最爱)的他以站立姿态从柜台上方一跃而过,重重地落到柜台后面的地上。

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