
2022-05-04 21:42:52 百科大全 投稿:一盘搜百科
摘要Grania, consumed like so many women at this time with the tasks of waiting, clings to a few letters

  Grania, consumed like so many women at this time with the tasks of waiting, clings to a few letters that manage to make it back to her, hoping guiltily that Jim, unlike so many others, will survivedeafening。
   Meanwhile, “Deafening” demonstrates a perfect ear for the tragic mingling of joy and grief at the arrival of a wounded loved one。
   Grania’s brother-in-law, terribly disabled and shocked into silence, is a frightening example of the alternatives to death in Europe。


格丽娅,象其他女性一样, 所能做的只有等待。 只有寄托于能收到的那少得可怜的几封书信, 和充满内疚地盼着吉姆会活下来,而不象其他人那样死在战场上。当时,自己的爱人伤残归来,这时的悲喜交集的复杂情感,对于”震聋”实在是表明了完美的听觉。格丽娅的表兄就是一个从欧洲战场生还,却又令人惊慌的例子,他不但已身体残疾,而且被巨大的枪炮声震荡失去了听觉。

