
2022-05-11 06:36:16 百科大全 投稿:一盘搜百科
摘要The answer is yes. But it takes time and you need a lot of practice. If you have no access to forei

The answer is yes. But it takes time and you need a lot of practice.


If you have no access to foreigners or cannot go abroad to learn English, you have to do intensive reading. What is intensive reading?


It means you have to first understand a text thoroughly. You have to understand the meaning of every word and its grammatical function. That means you have got to know which word is the subject in a sentence or which word is the verb. Then you’ve got to listen to the text until you feel so familiar with it that whatever part of the text you begin to listen to, you immediately know the story.

The last step is to read the text. You have to read it as fluently as a native speaker and your pronunciation have to be the same as theirs.

You must practice tens of thousands words of text before you develop your English thought. You’d better practice every day. If you spend an hour or more practicing English for at least one year, you will automatically think in English. But everything depends on your willingness and your perseverance.

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