在什么的前面,两种说法,注意有区别前面的英语: 什么东西的外部的前面 infrontof 什么东西的内部的前面 inthefrontof 如: Thereisabigtreeinfrontoftheclassroom.教室前面有一棵大树。(大树在教室外面的前面) Ourteachersarestandinginthefrontoftheclassroom.我们的老师都站在了教室的前面。(老师们在教室里面的前方) 除此之外,外部的前面还可以说:before/aheadof
1. 当序数词单纯地表示‘第几’的时候就加the.如,She is the second of the ten.
2. 当序数词用于‘又一’的意思时则用 a。如,I have failed two times,but I’m still going to have a third try.
3. 当序数词前有人称代词时,不加the.如,his first book.
“在……前面”的英语的写法有:示例如下:我们在前面,被挤到了舞台边上。We were at the front, crushed against the stage.银行前有个邮局。There is a post office in front of the bank .我们的老师经常站在教师的前面。 Our teacher usually stands in the front of our classroom. 在拜访他之前,我先打电话给他。Before visiting him, I called him up in advance.他靠多做家庭作业,很快在班上名列前茅。By doing extra homework, he soon got ahead of his class-mates.