
2023-08-21 14:16:08 百科大全 投稿:一盘搜百科
摘要1、事情,最后还是发生了It happened at the end of the day重点词汇 事情thing matter affair business circs 最后last final ultimate at length bitter end 还是still nevertheless had better or just;事实是指事情的真实情况,包括事物事件事态,即客观存在的一切物

1、事情,最后还是发生了It happened at the end of the day重点词汇 事情thing matter affair business circs 最后last final ultimate at length bitter end 还是still nevertheless had better or just;事实是指事情的真实情况,包括事物事件事态,即客观存在的一切物体与现象社会上发生的不平常的事情和局势及情况的变异态势那么你知道事 实用英语 怎么说吗?下面和我一起来学习一下事实的英语说法吧事实的英语说法;你好,这个单词是可数的;thing,business,stuff;事情issues,存在的,待解决的问题,problem,提出的,待回答的问题, question, 差错error,mistake;一发生了什么事 what happened what#39s the matter what#39s up 二实用短句What’s going on?怎么回事发生了什么事1The power went out停电了What’s going on?怎么回事发生了什么事2;affair matter thing business,work;事 shì名 事情 matteraffair,thingbusiness 公事 public affairsofficial business duties国家大事 affairs of state要是你愿意承办这件 事,我将不胜感激If you will undertake the affair,I shall be。


2、事情 n affair, matter,thing, business;adv不多稍许略微少许少量一点Harry found himself getting angry over little things that had never bothered him before哈里发现自己会因为小事而生气,而以前他从不会在意这些事情thing 英 θ#618#331。

3、solve all problems within today if happens today,and presolve problems if happens tomorrow。


4、小事的英文petty thingminor matter 短语解析1petty thing 英文发音#712peti θ#618#331中文释义小事 例句Schoolmates, Allow us do through the bit petty thing, The well prevailing custom of;something可以理解为一些事情 比如Are you trying to hide something from me? 你是不是有些事情瞒着我;1英语表达What is going on?what happenedwhat#39s the matterwhat#39s up2what happened发生了什么事,动作发生在过去,所以用一般过去时3词汇发生occur occurrence happen germination arises 什么。

TAGS: 事情  最后  还是  英语  事态  nevertheless  end  the  
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