
2023-08-21 12:12:05 百科大全 投稿:一盘搜百科
摘要严肃的的英文serious solemn grave earnest elevated 一serious 英 #712s#618#601ri#601s 美 #712s#618ri#601sadj严肃的,严重的认真的,庄重的重要的危险的 He#39s not。

严肃的的英文serious solemn grave earnest elevated 一serious 英 #712s#618#601ri#601s 美 #712s#618ri#601sadj严肃的,严重的认真的,庄重的重要的危险的 He#39s not。


na1 strict rigorous rigid stringent His parents are very strict with him and allow him to go out with his pals in the evening only once in a blue moon他的父母亲对他很严格,难得准许他和朋友们在。

让句子更清楚的话, 可以说 Because she has such high standards, she is pretty strict with herself 句意是就是因为她对自己的要求很高, 她对自己非常严格 注 pretty在这里不是形容词漂亮, 反而是副词, 非常的意思。



strict a1 严格的严厉的+withHe is very strict with his students他对学生非常严格2 严谨的,精确的 He told the strict truth他讲的情况完全属实3 完全的,绝对的 She was pledged to keep it a。

na1 strictrigorousrigidstringent His parents are very strict with him and allow him to go out with his pals in the evening only once in a blue moon他的父母亲对他很严格,难得准许他和朋友们在晚上。

TAGS: 严肃  serious  601  英文  英语  庄重  712  618  
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