
2022-01-09 16:24:05 百科大全 投稿:一盘搜百科
摘要I have bought a new car . ********************************************************************* 祝学习进

I have bought a new car .







1.I have answered the quesion .

2.The quesipn has been solved .

3.Computer has been invited for many years.

4.Have you been to the USA?

5.He has gone to home.

6.My mother has been to Canada.

7.Sally has just moved to our town.

8.I have studied English for 10years.

9.Our schoold has been built since 1864.

10.Your sister has gone to USA

They have finished their homework.

Mr and Mrs li haven’t came back yet.

We have seen that film.

I haven’t eaten breakfast .

Have you seen any exhibitions recently?

I have forgoten the title .

I have loved you for 10 years.

My parents have been to the America.

Times have changed.


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