摘要名胜古迹 :places of historic interest and scenic beauty颐和园 :the Summer Palace北大Peking University清华Tsingh
名胜古迹 :places of historic interest and scenic beauty
颐和园 :the Summer Palace
北大Peking University
清华Tsinghua University
天坛the Heaven Temple
圆明园 Yuanming Palace
紫禁城 the Fobbiden City
颐和园 he Summer Palace
十三陵the Ming Tombs
故宫:the Imperial Palace
颐和园:the Summer Palace
这三潭印月是说西湖中三个石塔中的灯光象三个小月亮,与天上明月交相辉映。也指空中月,水中月,塔中月这三月。我觉得网站给的翻译名胜古迹英语:Three Pools Mirroring the Moon,三个池子照月亮,实在是词不达意。
抛块砖头:The Triple Moon Reflection in the lake。
Three Pools Mirroring the Moon