
2022-01-08 22:08:21 百科大全 投稿:一盘搜百科
摘要The life in the village is very simple. In the daytime, people get up early. They make breakfast, cl

The life in the village is very simple. In the daytime, people get up early. They make breakfast, clean the house and feed the animals. After breakfast, they go out and start their farm work. Sometimes, they stay outside all the day. They come home until the sunset. Because of the hardwork, farmers usually go to sleep very early. They have to have a good rest to prepare for the next day. 望采纳 谢谢


I was born in a small village—~~~. Everyone knows each other here. It’s a quiet and peaceful place. Sometimes it’s very noisy when many trucks passing by. The trucks go away and many rubbishes are left.


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