
2022-01-08 20:41:44 百科大全 投稿:一盘搜百科
摘要end up with sth./sb..以某人/某事结束end up with结束;以…而结束;以…告终例句与用法1.start with the aim of doing harm to othe

end up with sth./sb..以某人/某事结束end up with结束;以…而结束;以…告终例句与用法1.start with the aim of doing harm to others only to end up with ruining oneself以损人开始,以害己告终2.At the dinner we usually begin with soup and end up with fruit.在宴会上,开始的一道菜通常是汤,最后的一道是水果结束用英语怎么说。3.At the dinner we usually start with soup and end up with fruit.在宴会上我们通常以喝汤开胃,以吃水果结束。


TAGS: 结束  某事  英语  某人  with  怎么  例句  告终  
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